Enjoy the luxury of excellence at a fraction of the cost.

We leverage Artificial Intelligence for optimizing dynamic pricing

Compared to conventional property management approaches, we embrace a cutting-edge methodology placing our concierge service at the forefront of innovation in property management.
We harness the power of a robust AI-driven pricing system, seamlessly integrating it with our proprietary strategies. This dynamic fusion ensures not only that your properties are consistently booked but also that they maintain a competitive edge by offering the best rates in the market.

We offer Personalized and Customized Concierge Services

Through our dedicated service, MyDedicatedAssistant, we are pride in delivering a personalized experience that surpasses expectations, paying careful attention to each guest’s unique preferences and needs. We are more than just a place to manage; our commitment is to transform your guests’ stay into an authentic and memorable journey.
Whether it’s organizing private chef services, arranging personalized training sessions, facilitating a barbecue experience with on-site assistance, securing reliable babysitting, providing direct contacts for home-visiting doctors, supplying child-friendly games, or stocking your fridge before your guest arrives, we address every need with professionalism and care.

We create your Own Direct Booking Website

By creating website with direct booking capabilities for each villa, we :
  • bypass third-party commissions from online travel agencies (OTAs),
  • build a distinctive brand for your villa,
  • personalize the booking process, offering special promotions, loyalty programs and additional services,
  • facilitate direct communication with guests with the opportunity to cultivate long-term guest relationships.

We Build Strong Partnership

We utilize strong partnerships with trusted travel agencies, villa agents, and top platforms to ensure widespread listing and distribution.
We don’t just see our clients as business transactions; we see them as partners with unique narratives. By taking the time to understand your brand story, values, and goals, we lay the foundation for a relationship built on trust and mutual understanding.

We Are Cheaper Than Others

With complete transparency, we only charge a flat 10% fee per reservation and there are no initiation costs associated.
Our straightforward pricing model ensures you pay significantly less compared to other property management companies in Bali.
By choosing our services, you not only receive quality service but also enjoy meaningful savings, making our offering the clear choice for affordability and value in Bali’s competitive market.

We prioritize sustainability and eco-conscious choices

We are committed to environmental preservation and undertake proactive measures to minimize our ecological impact. These include:
  • Limiting the use of single-use plastics in our villas,
  • Training our staff and the clients to use water, electricity, and air conditioner consciously,
  • Promoting eco-friendly activities like beach clean-ups organized by local associations to combat plastic pollution,
  • Coordinating express delivery services, featuring a selection of organic food choices.
  • Facilitating visits to animal welfare organizations to raise awareness and support ethical treatment of animals,
  • Offering the installation of recycling bins in our villas, along with their regular collection by a specialized waste management company.

No commitment

There are no commitments. You can terminate the contract at any time. We believe in building a partnership founded on trust and satisfaction, giving you the autonomy to make your own decisions.
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